
A ragtag group of like-minded adventurers trying to figure out how to make the most of their lives.

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Kyuu Kimora: An orphan originating from the jungles of Golmore to a small village in Hingashi, she set off on her own in secret at sixteen summers. Wandering until she found herself on the continent of Eorzea slowly finding pieces of her new found family, The Wayfinders, that she had only dreamed of (literally). An anxious, timid, introverted yet hard headed Viera who’s a pain in Vazhi’s side. With ties to a certain Ancient that ends in a classic tragedy like the books she reads. She tries her best to keep the group grounded, while they all try to do the same with her.Roles: The Hopeless Romantic, Bookworm, Resident Necromancer, Dancer and Astrologian. Pianist/Keyboard Player (Band AU)

Vazhi Gah: Raised by an Amalj'aa chief in the heart of Paglth'an, Vazhi has spent the better part of his life carving a place for himself by any means necessary. His inhuman strength and inability to say no to anyone asking for help have made his a well-known name for fixing tough problems, at the cost of his willingness to rely on others. Reckless and viciously impulsive, he's gotten the Wayfinders into just as much trouble as he has out of it, but even when not-so-planned plans go south, Vazhi is always there to put himself between his friends and harm's way, and dish it back out ten times harder.Roles: Designated Muscle, Frontline Fighter, Hand-to-hand Expert, Drummer (Band AU)

A'vett Taaskha: Self-designated “silly guy” of the group and the man behind the “Wayfinder” name. A’vett was born on a small farm in Eastern La Noscea, near Costa del Sol, where he grew up with his loving parents but few friends. His call to adventure came in the form of Vazhi (hired as pest control on Taaskha farm) who he became quick friends with having grown up with few. A’vett made Vazhi swear to take him on an adventure when his contract was up, and adventure they did. A’vett can always be found accompanied by his animal companions, a small weasel named Breadstick and a cattle dog named Meatloaf (whom he is able to communicate with through his Echo). Having low self-confidence he uses humor to cope, but the rest of Wayfinders are quick to hype him up when he needs it.Roles: Party's Cook, Comedian, Hype-man, and Dancer/ex-Dragoon, Lead Singer, Lyricist, and Guitarist (Band AU)

Iljax Ceateux: Once a solitary Viera in the Skatay Mountains, Iljax left a life of isolation for the allure of new adventures in far off lands. Having worked for years as a merchant and information broker for adventurer and felon alike, Iljax finds himself as The Wayfinders' chief negotiator in their dealings. With a custom built gunblade and airship he soars above his worries and faces his enemies face on to serve as his friends first line of defense. Behind the charming façade lies a man afraid to be alone, yet feels as though he deserves it, but despite his absences he always finds his way back into his friends arms and hearts with no time to spare.Roles: Frontline Combatant, Resident Tinkerer, Contract Negotiator, Bassist and Mechanic (Band AU)

Sihna Kahlsuri: After losing her mother at a young age, Sihna and her twin brother, Luka, left the Black Shroud for Ul'dah to build a more promising future for themselves. Studious and cunning, she earned herself a reputation as both a skilled black mage and heartbreaker, toying with the men that pursued her. Despite being around at the time of its founding, Sihna was a later addition to the Wayfinders and is the only core member without the blessing of light. She is the voice of reason in the group, providing knowledge and strategy for their adventures. While she never set out to save anyone and her motivations are far from selfless, the others' passions have gradually influenced her to be more caring.Roles: Head Strategist, Arcane Battery, Black Mage, Lead Vocalist and Bookie (Band AU)

Trusty Associates

Luka Kahlsuri: Luka is the guard captain of a Syndicate member and is well known for his pride and poise. He fought his way through the gladiator coliseum, earning recognition as a skilled fighter—though he was never a crowd favorite due to his holier-than-thou attitude. With a taste for fine clothes, fine wine, and fine men, he earnestly seeks out life's pleasures after a childhood of little means. Luka is fiercely protective of his twin sister, Sihna, but is less than impressed by the company she keeps.

Olvi Leaviere: A Sharlayan sage-turned-field-medic who joined the fight alongside the Bozjan resistance in search of his mother. Politely quiet and easily overlooked, Olvi is well-liked but has few friends. Those he is close to know a different side of him—a playful viera with a knack for teasing, and a passion for plants and medicine that he often loses himself in. He met the Wayfinders through A'vett not long after their return on the Ragnarok, and has since become a common face in their company home.